Tag Archives: cheap

Hair Refresher Review

This wonderful little thing is from Avon where it costs under £5. It comes in all different flavours and the one that I chose is called ‘cherry blossom’ because lets face it, who wouldn’t want their hair to smell like cherry blossoms. I would highly recommend this product as it smells great and is really simple to use without leaving your hair greasy. The way in which I apply it is sometimes straight to the hair, I tend to avoid the roots as I tend to get greasy hair if I use products on it, however, more recently I have started to spray it directly onto my hair brush, then brush my hair, this is a great way to keep the smell in your hair for longer. Also, this product lasts forever! This is the second bottle that I have ever had and I only use it once a week, usually on the second day after a hair wash.